The market for second hand Agas is virtually dead- unless they are to replace an existing model of the same fuel.Anyone installing from scratch will dismiss oil or gas usually due to the high cost of fitting tanks,fuel lines and chimneys which can easily be as much as the cooker!
So a lot of cookers are offered to us FREE if we take it out-which saves paying at least £200 to get a professional to remove.
The ONLY time I now pay for an Aga is if I have a buyer lined up for that particular colour and model.but usually I remove for free.It’s half a days work-no they aren’t moved WHOLE!
Recently I have actually paid £200 for a red then a brown 4 oven cooker -each was either gas or oil .We spend about £3500 on them -or more-putting on a new colour and the Electrickit conversion and that’s not including labour.
So if you want an Aga gone ,and want the best way of getting it out here are my suggestions.
No time constraints? buy my e book on dismantling-via e bay or and after a good read take it to bits yourself.At least you won’t break anything-then spray all cast surfaces with cooking oil and store in a DRY place.
Time restraint?
Advertise on -its free- either “buyer to dismantle” or ” stripped ready to collect”.make sure you take photos BEFORE you strip it -and be accurate on its description and colour. Or ebay.
Very short time restraint?
contact your local aga dealer who will charge you to remove
or try me!